Hello Dear Collective. » intimate. bold. eclectic.

Summers’ Winter. | Holiday Mini Session | Tallahassee, FL

Welcome back our faithful followers! It has been such a long time since we last typed away on our blog. We have determined to make 2014 the year for us to reconnect with you via this medium. Unfortunately, we do have A LOT of story telling to do, so in no particular order (unless you ask for your story to be told next) we will try to catch up on a year’s worth of writing. Now for Summers’ Winter…

Northern Florida has long been considered part of it’s neighboring states, due to the different change in climate from its Southern brethren and that most folks around here have more of an accent. The oak laiden roadways and the visual change of seasons, is one of the countless reasons I love this area. Jackson and Nikki have a charming, newly bought house, which they have quickly turned into their loving home. Its nestled on a quiet street and surrounded by a shady grove of trees. It is to no wonder why they chose to have their Christmas photos taken in this charming place.

Christmas is Jackson’s favorite holiday. FAVORITE. Their home was transformed into a spectacle of colored lights, wreaths, and garland. Stockings were hung, poinsettias were placed, and the tree stood bold and proud. As an added touch, these two lovebirds drank hot cocoa in their mason jar glasses topped with a heavy dose of whipped cream. They playful enjoyed their beverages, hardly noticing we were in the room at all.

Nikki and Jackson radiate light. Their home is filled with laughter and love. The genuine gestures and beautiful embraces wrap around you as you watch them. It makes you smile and yearn for more.

This home would not be complete without a four-legged companion–or three! A family of 5 includes the adorable, Maggie, Duke, and Bully. Bully is quite the charmer, with his facial antics and cuddling capabilities. He took complete advantage of the empty chair and curled up next to the fireplace.

L to R: Bully, Maggie & Duke

Meet me under the mistletoe,
Midnight Christmas Eve
Your sweet kiss is the first gift
I’d like to receive.

Snuggles under the blanket, to keep us warm outside. This unpredictable weather may even bring a surprise! Look up! Look up! And there, right there; snowflakes travel down to grace the excited flesh of those all around.

Inside we went to get out of the cold. Pajamas and a movie in bed never sounded so fun. And it wasn’t just the two-legged beings, but the entire family up on the bed to enjoy this remarkable Saturday.

Thank you Nikki and Jackson for opening up your home to us and so graciously allowing us to capture your family during one of the best holidays of the year. We had so much fun entertaining the pups and playing in the “snow!” Looking through the images you would never know that it was actually 80+ degrees outside. 😀 Enjoy these memories.

Love, Ashley & Jacqueline


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